“…And What’s The Deal With ______?” (Wherein You Get Bored)

It is quite late internet. Or is it quite early? What does 5:35am count as these days? I can never tell anymore, as sleep madness has pretty much taken over my life. Sleep madness is of course the colloquial term… Basically my insomnia has turned me into Jason from Home Movies.

So here I sit internet. I’m still in the middle of ripping all my CD’s to my laptop’s external hard drive and have discovered some interesting quirks in my musical taste. Somehow, my Zune has a playlist including:

Against Me!
The Proclaimers
Oingo Boingo
They Might Be Giants
Muddy Waters
Barbra Streisand
Black Flag
Roy Orbison



Basically, what I’m saying is that I’m a hopeless contradiction and should probably be much more ashamed of my musical tastes. Also, when I think that the fact I’m simultaneously listening to LCD Soundsystem and Hank Williams is blog-worthy it means I’ve officially gone over the edge and need to get some fucking sleep.

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